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2 Oral Rinses To Fight Off Plaque-Induced Gingivitis

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Gingivitis is considered to be an early form of gum disease. One of the most common forms of gingivitis is plaque-induced gingivitis. This type of gingivitis is caused by the buildup of plaque and tartar around your gumline. If you notice that your gums are bleeding or that they are no longer a coral color, then you may be suffering from plaque-induced gingivitis. If it is caught early on, then it can often be reversed. Plaque and tartar buildup often forms around your gum line if you have poor dental habits. Therefore, the only way to fight plaque-induced gingivitis is by improving your dental care routine. Luckily, there are a few bacteria fighting oral rinses that you can add to your routine to get rid of this form of gum disease.

Couch Grass Rinse

Couch grass has long been used as a remedy to treat sore throats and other sicknesses. The plant contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that are effective in targeting toxins and bacteria in the body and removing them. A couch grass rinse can be created to help remove bacteria and plaque from your gum line. To create the rinse, start by placing a handful of couch grass in a medium sized bowl and pouring hot water into the bowl. Fill the bowl with water until the couch grass is fully submerged. Leave the couch grass to soak for a few hours, then strain the couch grass. Since the plant has an earthy smell, you can add a bit lemon to help balance out the taste. Use the rinse around your gum line and hold it there for a few minutes before spitting.

Mint Rinse

Mint is a staple herbal remedy that can be used to treat anything from skin infections to bacteria growth. The herb's antibacterial properties and fresh scent make it a popular ingredient in mouthwashes and other dental care products. A homemade mint rinse can be crafted by placing a handful of the fresh leaves into a small pot of water. Place the pot on the stove and allow it to boil. Once it boils, put it aside and wait for it to cool. Work the rinse around your teeth and gums. Make sure to concentrate on the gaps in between your teeth and on your gum line. Use this rinse following every meal in order to ensure that all your food and plaque is removed.

For more information, contact All About Smiles Incorporated or a similar organization.
