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2 Ways Your Dentist Can Help You Protect Your New Dental Veneers When You Grind Your Teeth

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If you have a condition such as bruxism that causes you to constantly grind your teeth at night, you may have worn down your teeth to the point that they need veneers. However, even if your dentist has placed veneers made from a high-strength material, such as thicker porcelain or ceramics, you still need to take steps to keep from damaging them when you grind your teeth. Fortunately, there are a couple of ways that your dentist can help you protect your new dental veneers when you suffer from bruxism.

1. Show You Exercises That Relax Your Jaw Muscles

When you have bruxism and grind your teeth at night, one of the possible causes is tension in your jaw muscles. Especially if you have had an exceptionally stressful day, the pent-up stress tightens up the muscles.

As a result, the muscles cannot relax, and you end up chomping down and grinding your teeth while you sleep. Because of the grinding and increased pressure on the veneers, you run the risk of cracking them during the night.

One thing that your dentist can do to help you overcome your tense jaw muscles is to show you specific exercises that can help loosen up the fibers and relax them before sleeping. Exercises such as opening and closing your mouth as wide as possible can help stretch the muscles. You can also try relaxation techniques that your dentist may recommend to help you deal with the stress.

2. Fit You with a Nighttime Mouthguard

Even if you perform exercises each night before you go to sleep, you may still grind your teeth and put pressure the veneers and your remaining uncovered teeth. To help counteract the pressure, your dentist can fit you with a nighttime mouthguard.

When you wear the mouth guard, it helps cushion both the upper and lower veneers and teeth, which protects them from the grinding and pressure. When you are fitted with a custom mouthguard by your dentist, it perfectly conforms to your unique bite. This custom fit allows for further protection by keeping the guard in an aligned position with your teeth so that it does not move out of place while you sleep.

When you suffer from bruxism, you can still get and maintain veneers as long as you take a few precautions and follow your dentist's advice. For more information about caring for dental veneers when you grind your teeth, speak with your dentist for personalized advice.
