Dental Implants Can Make Your Smile Brighter

7 Different Types Of Dentists And Which One Is Right For You

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While everyone knows to schedule an appointment twice a year with their local dental hygienist to get their teeth cleaned, it can be difficult to know what type of dentist you will need to see for other dental issues. In fact, there are seven different types of dental specialists to help you. While good oral hygiene will prevent needing an appointment with most of them, here is a brief explanation of each type in case you do. Read More»

Can Your Dentist Help With Your Migraines?

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Around one billion people around the world regularly experience a migraine. Of these, some 39 million are in the United States. Migraines can range from being uncomfortable to being extremely painful. How do you treat your migraines? You might take pain relief to ease the symptoms, and chances are that you’ve discussed the matter with your doctor. But what about your dentist?  Dental Problems and Migraines There’s a great deal of mystery when it comes to what actually causes migraines. Read More»

What Does An Impacted Tooth Feel Like?

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For all too many people, having an impacted tooth is a reality. Of course, you may know that something hurts, but you might not know that you have an impacted tooth until the symptoms are already causing discomfort. Want to know more about what it’s like to have an impacted tooth? This is what you need to know. Impacted Teeth Are Common An impacted tooth is one that is not able to erupt from the gums, generally because there is something else in the way or because the tooth is coming in at an odd angle. Read More»

Anxious Of Your Next Dental Visit? Top Tips To Ease Your Mind

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It’s no secret that going to the dentist is one of the things you’ll need to do for optimal dental health. However, if you’re like millions of people that dread this day, you’ll want to know tips to help make it easier. Fortunately, there are many things you can do that may allow this to be a less stressful experience for you. 1. Tell your dentist Letting your dental provider know how nervous you are about this appointment could be one of the best ways to have a gentler experience. Read More»

Why You Should Have Your Implant Surgery As Soon As Possible

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If you are planning to replace a lost tooth with a dental implant, you may want to have the implantation procedure performed as soon as possible. Here are a few reasons why. Your Jawbone Atrophies While You Wait Once the tooth is missing from its socket in the bone of the jaw, it can no longer transmit pressure to the bone. When teeth are in place, they experience pressure as they bite and crush food. Read More»