If you are like most adults, the idea of getting metal brackets and wires on your teeth to straighten them is far from appealing. While it might have been okay to wear braces as a youngster, it can be a bit embarrassing as an adult. Luckily, there are a few alternatives available to the typical two-year traditional route that can be accomplished by visiting a cosmetic dentist if your teeth are not severely out of whack. Read More»
According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, about 27.27% of senior citizens over age 65 have no remaining teeth. Many of these people who do not have any natural teeth left opt for the typical option of getting dentures. While dentures can be a good thing for a senior who has no teeth at all, dentures can also pose problems for a lot of patients. Dental implants, which are often thought to be impractical for elderly individuals, can actually be a better alternative in some cases. Read More»
Most parents know that dental visits can be a struggle for kids. However, what parents don’t realize, until faced with them themselves, is the unique difficulties that can come with dental visits for children with autism. If you have a child on the autism spectrum and you’re getting ready to schedule his or her first dental office visit, there are a few things that you need to know. Here are some tips to help you make the entire process easier for your child. Read More»
Getting braces is a great way to straighten your smile and improve the way you feel about your teeth. Not only does straightening your teeth give you a more natural smile, the process of getting braces helps to improve your oral hygiene, make it easier to chew and speak, and gives you more comfort in your mouth as well.
However, braces aren’t always pain-free. Sometimes braces become uncomfortable. If your braces are hurting you, talk to your orthodontist right away. Read More»
When it comes to your teeth, your main objective may be to keep them in your mouth. Many people lose teeth as they age. However, it is possible to keep your natural teeth throughout your lifetime. Still, there are times that dental issues may arise and threaten the loss of a tooth. Here are a few dental applications that your dentist may offer to help lessen the chance of tooth loss. Read More»
Orthodontic care, such as palatal expanders, aligners, and braces, are common treatments for aligning bites and straightening crooked teeth. These treatments are effective, but the appliances, brackets, aligners, and wires cover portions of the teeth, reducing the ability of the toothbrush and toothpaste. In most cases, teeth will be discolored and dull when the orthodontic treatments are removed. If your teen is part of the 4.5 million Americans that are wearing braces, cleaning and whitening their teeth after removing this common orthodontic treatment is possible. Read More»
If you’re dissatisfied with the way your teeth look because they appear to be yellow or brown, then you’re likely looking for a tooth whitening solution. Unfortunately, there are different kinds of stains you can have, and they can’t all be removed by the same products and methods. If you want to find out what kind of staining you have, keep reading this guide.
Surface Layer
Surface layer stains are some of the most common, except that they’re technically not really stains! Read More»
Eating, drinking, taking certain medications, and using tobacco products can all cause discoloration and staining on your teeth. These stains are not necessarily dangerous to your oral health, but they can decrease the look of your smile while affecting your self-esteem. Dentists offer many whitening treatments, and you can purchase pastes and rinses at your local store. However, certain foods can actually help whiten your teeth, too. Here are a few foods to add to your diet if you want white, bright teeth. Read More»
Visiting the dentist is never on the top of anyone’s list, but it’s a task that must be done to maintain healthy teeth and gums. While regular checkups are crucial, it’s also important to see the dentist for seemingly minor issues, like a toothache. Here is why it’s so important to schedule an appointment with your dentist even for a small toothache:
Reduce the Risk of Infection
A toothache could be present for many reasons, and the development of an infection is one of the most dangerous reasons. Read More»
If you do not have dental insurance, you are not alone. A lot of people do not have dental insurance. Without dental insurance, you might want to know the best ways to save money on dentistry bills. After all, dental work can be expensive, but there are ways you can save money on this. Here are some tips.
Take good care of your teeth
The best way to save money on dentistry bills is by taking good care of your teeth. Read More»